A Year in Industry.


The transition from academic life to the professional world is a monumental shift, one that comes with its own set of challenges and rewards. It’s an adjustment that is often forgotten about, theoretical knowledge from education only goes so far, practical application is a whole different ball game.

I have learnt more this past year about not only the workplace but about myself than I could’ve ever imagined - and for that I have the team at Truth to thank.

The past 12 months have been a profound learning journey, one that has shaped my personal growth, future career and understanding of the creative industry.

The most rewarding aspect of this journey has been the opportunity to work alongside the team at Truth. Their guidance and insights have proven invaluable, the team's unwavering mentorship and expertise have helped me to learn and grow. Their belief in my abilities and their willingness to invest time in my development has boosted my confidence, knowing I had their support made it easier to tackle difficult tasks and strive to learn more. This year I have been able to build a network that provided me with guidance, support, and opportunities for collaboration. These relationships have been instrumental in my career progression and in creating a positive work environment. I hope to replicate this same environment in every workplace I enter.

Being a student means you’re often on your own, there is minimal teamwork and the majority of assignments are individually marked. I found this to be rarely the case in a working environment: the importance of sharing ideas, asking questions and demonstrating progress, in morning meetings fostered an environment where no one is alone if I had a problem, there were avenues for discussion and support, which I really benefited from.

If I could go back 12 months and speak to myself in a weird freaky Friday type way, I would tell myself to take a deep breath and just listen. Take every opportunity that arises, embrace the learning curve. Whether this is mastering new software, understanding industry jargon, or navigating corporate protocols, every day is an opportunity to learn something new. The initial steep learning curve was daunting, but it also ignited a sense of accomplishment, one that cannot be matched in an academic setting.

A year in industry is not something that has huge traction, but I can confidently say that it has been the single most important year so far in my academic career.

One of the core responsibilities of an Account Executive is to manage client relationships. My role required me to be the liaison between the clients and the creative team. I learned the importance of clear and consistent communication, building trust with clients, understanding their needs and delivering on promises. One thing I am incredibly grateful for is the warmth and kindness I received from the clients I worked with. Having clients that treated me with the utmost respect despite being a 20-year-old navigating the professional world is something that will stay with me throughout my career. 

As I embark on my final year of university I take with me the depth of knowledge I have acquired over the past year, but more importantly a new perspective, that every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow. I hope to embrace every experience with an open mind and a positive attitude. The lessons learned this past year will be invaluable throughout my career. I feel incredibly fortunate to have begun my journey at Truth.


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