News & Views
Big news and even bigger opinions…
The Cona – A forgotten Manchester icon.
The Cona was located in what is now the basement of 12 Tib lane and was accessed by a set of suicidal steps that took you down into the dark, smokey, yet alluring underworld. It was a place where the weekend’s activities would quite often start mid-week, everyone would be discussing who was playing, who was going, and, more importantly, who had the pills. The Cona was right at the centre of the Manchester ‘Soul Mod’ scene in the swinging sixties.
Truth invokes spirit of Cottonopolis for premium bedding brand Tom & Dick’s
A premium bedding brand invoking the rich heritage of Manchester’s global cotton trade – with a thoroughly modern twist – has been created by Truth Creative.
High-profile projects take Truth Design through £1m turnover barrier
Truth Design has achieved turnover of £1m for the first time in its 12-year history, boosted by an exciting range of high-profile projects spanning the hospitality, home improvements, furniture and higher education sectors.
About us
We are a Manchester based creative agency that loves to use strategic design thinking to solve business problems. It goes beyond telling stories – it tells your truth, in a way that will connect you with your audience.
If you would like to talk to us about your brand story – get in touch.
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Happy Easter! https://t.co/0MS7YwxoLw
Happy Easter from all at Truth Creative. Enjoy the long weekend.
Case Study: How do you create a brand new bedding brand which resonates with Manchester's rich history as the home… https://t.co/4eCtglOfSb