News & Views
Big news and even bigger opinions…
Truth Creative support Sinclair with global rebrand for Ellansé
Truth Creative has provided a branding makeover for a key product in the portfolio of long-standing client Sinclair, supporting the global aesthetics business with the international relaunch of Ellansé.
Truth Creative prepares Furness Building Society for the future
A vibrant new brand identity from Truth Creative celebrates Furness Building Society’s unique role at the heart of the Cumbrian community for over 150 years, while providing a strategic platform for the products and services that members want today.
Truth Creative supports tech business with rebrand and launch campaign
Cybit’s new name and brand profile unite the expertise and proven legacy of Newcastle-headquartered IT solutions cloud migration and data and analytics specialist, Perfect Image; Berkshire-based IT support provider, Technique; and cyber security specialist, Cyphra in Belfast. The companies previously operated under the holding company, Pixel Group.
Truth Creative supports Sinclair Pharma with updated brand identity
Following Sinclair Pharma’s participation in a Truth Creative Brand Lab, the team at Truth has developed a new brand identity - Sinclair - and the business is in the process of implementing the change.
Truth Creative launches UA92 Make It For Real campaign
Truth Creative has supported UA92 with the launch of Make It For Real (MIFR).
Truth Creative behind branding for upcoming My First Five Years app
Manchester based creative agency Truth Creative has supported the brand launch of My First Five Years, an upcoming parenting guidance app from Early Years entrepreneur Jennie Johnson MBE.
Truth Creative supports community sport charity Foundation 92 with pro bono Brand Lab.
Truth Creative hosted a pro bono Brand Lab with the Foundation 92 team, enabling them to participate in an exercise to understand the best way to maximise the impact of the charity’s engagement with key stakeholders.
Hedley May recruits Truth Creative for branding proposition and identity brief.
International executive search consultancy Hedley May recruited Truth Creative to develop a distinctive brand proposition and identity that will help to define its place in the global market.
Truth Creative delivers brand identity and strategy for AIM-listed Time Finance.
Truth Creative delivers brand identity and strategy for AIM-listed Time Finance.
Truth Creative takes Manchester High School for Girls open events online.
Truth Creative has supported Manchester High School for Girls (MHSG) with an innovative digital open event and marketing campaign.
Truth Creative completes lockdown rebrand for cloud and tech events firm Sleek
Truth Creative has completed a lockdown rebrand for London-based cloud and tech events company Sleek, providing The Sunday Times Virgin Atlantic Fast Track 100 firm with a dynamic new identity matching its rapid success story.
Truth Creative supports UA92’s safe reopening and virtual open day
Truth Creative supported University Academy 92 (UA92) in preparing to safely welcome new and existing students to campus as it reopened for the first time since lockdown measures were eased this September.
Truth Creative provides global branding support to GC Aesthetics
Truth Creative has provided strategic branding and business support to global premium breast implant provider GC Aesthetics, launching a series of innovative new products and a revolutionary augmented reality app allowing patients to see how they will look after surgery.
Truth Creative selects The Rivers Trust as first of two pro bono charity clients
The Rivers Trust has been chosen as the first of two new pro bono clients by Truth Creative.
Truth Creative checks into Parklane Group branding role
Truth Creative has checked into leisure, property and student lettings business Parklane Group with a remit to support branding and creative campaigning.
University Academy 92 retains Truth Creative to build on launch success
Truth Creative has been retained by University Academy 92 (UA92) to build on the success of its high profile launch to students in September 2019.
Truth invokes spirit of Cottonopolis for premium bedding brand Tom & Dick’s
A premium bedding brand invoking the rich heritage of Manchester’s global cotton trade – with a thoroughly modern twist – has been created by Truth Creative.
High-profile projects take Truth Design through £1m turnover barrier
Truth Design has achieved turnover of £1m for the first time in its 12-year history, boosted by an exciting range of high-profile projects spanning the hospitality, home improvements, furniture and higher education sectors.
About us
We are a Manchester based creative agency that loves to use strategic design thinking to solve business problems. It goes beyond telling stories – it tells your truth, in a way that will connect you with your audience.
If you would like to talk to us about your brand story – get in touch.
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Happy Easter! https://t.co/0MS7YwxoLw
Happy Easter from all at Truth Creative. Enjoy the long weekend.
Case Study: How do you create a brand new bedding brand which resonates with Manchester's rich history as the home… https://t.co/4eCtglOfSb